brooke's pages::

Friday, February 24, 2012

high five for friday.

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woo! high five for friday. :-)

1. Reading the questions on my 43 question long questionnaire from Steven's cousin Megan. They're so great.
1. Who is your best friend?
2. Who is your best friend's best friend?
3. Who is your best friend's best friend's cousin?
4. Have you ever been to outer space and seen an alien? If so, please draw a picture below.
5. I am eating Cheez-Its.
6. Why was that not a question?
Yeah, she's a strange girl. But she's pretty cool (:

2. Hanging out with my wonderful boyfriend and Ashleigh yesterday :-)

3. Finishing my exam review for one of my classes 8 days before it's due :D

4. Turning in all of my missing work today! :D

5. Talking non-stop about someone that you know a friend of yours dated, but that friend won't admit it, so you just talk non-stop about them. ;-)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH YEAH! gotta love a high five like this :)
I love quizzes, and that 43 question one sounds SO funny :)