brooke's pages::

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

I'm dying.

I decided yesterday to start making changes with this new year.

I decided to start back up doing yoga. My goal is at least three times a week.
I decided to cut out pop completely. I used to drink anywhere between 2-5 cans of Mountain Dew a day.
I decided to add in workouts later on. I've never stuck to a workout longer than three or four days.

This is all going to be a huge challenge for me, but I'm not happy with my body right now. I weigh the most I ever have in my life, and I know most of you will say I'm skinny still, and while that may be true, I can't fit my clothes and I know I'm not healthy. So I'm working to change that.

This picture is from February 2015.

This was the day we moved into our apartment. I weighed around 125 and never worried about what I ate.

The longer we live here, the more weight I seem to gain.

I know I'm not pregnant so it's just a bit frustrating. It just doesn't make since I started a job close enough to walk to in August and have been walking to work 4-5 days a week.

It's all very frustrating and I wish I could just go back to my freshman year weight. But that's like 115, and that's just not likely.

My goal right now is 125.

I'm sick of having no motivation to get up and just move. I always want to sit and watch Netflix and eat when I'm bored, and I cannot continue that.

My current look is to the right. This won't be my current look much longer, I promise that.

 I'm on a mission to get healthy and lose a few pounds.

 Yesterday was day one of yoga.

Today is day one of no pop.

Wish me luck in my goals, I'm going to need it.

Feel free to drop some motivation down below, I could definitely use as much as I can get right now!

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